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Roll Call

How to Access: Class Attendance > Roll Call

Purpose: Used to create a Roll Call or Record Swipes in AccuCampus. Within AccuCampus, you can track class/seminar attendance, which can provide valuable information about student success. AccuCampus offers multiple ways to track attendance, including a traditional roll call and various sign-in options.

Roll Call Options

  • Date - Use this option to set the Date for the Session.
  • Event Session - Use this option to choose the Event Session from the list.

More actions Options

You'll notice on the right-hand side of every More Actions form, this is an explanation of each function and purpose:

  • Swipe a Card - Use this option to enter a new card swipe by entering the Type, Session Date, Session Name, and Card #, see details below.
  • Unresolved Swipes - This option will show a list of “Unresolved Swipes” in Accucampus, see more details in the next chapter.

Swipe your Card

  • Type- Select if this is a Sign-in OR a Sign-out.
  • Session Date- Pick the Swipe Date, by default, it is set as today.
  • Session Name- Associate the user to this Swipe by selecting from the list.
  • Card #- Type-in/swipe the Card # associated with this Swipe log.
  • SAVE AND SWIPE AGAIN- Click this button to Save, reset all values, and record another swipe
  • CLOSE- Click this button to roll back without saving.

Unresolved Swipes

  • Delete- Use this option to delete this unresolved swipe.
  • Resolve- Use this option to resolve this swipe:

Record Swipes

Use this option to Sign-in OR Sign-out a student in the session selected.

  • Sign-In - Use this option to Sign-in a student in the Session.
  • Sign-Out- Use this option to Sign-out a student in the Session.

Create a Roll Call Button

To create a new Roll Call please identify the Event Session by using the Date and Event Session filters and clicking the Roll Call button.

  • Mark All As - Use this option to specify a status(Present, Absent, Excused, Left Early, or Tardy)at once for ALL students in the Session.
  • Clear Attendance- Use this option to reset at once the status of ALL students in the Session to start a new roll call.
  • Change Event- Use this option to change to a different event.

Options for each row in the list

  • Present - Use this option to set the student as Present in the current Session.
  • Absent- Use this option to set the student as Absent in the current Session.
  • Excused- Use this option to set the student as Excused in the current Session.
  • Left Early- Use this option to set the student as Left Early in the current Session.
  • Tardy- Use this option to set the student as Tardy in the current Session.
You can also add some notes as needed for each participant by clicking “Add note”

Watch this short video as an example of a Roll Call in action

How to swipe a card.

Additional information/articles about this topic